A friendly parish in the middle of the suburbs!

K-10 Faith Formation

Faith Formation (Grades 1-10)

Click here to access all Faith Formation documents. Mission: Faith is a gift given at baptism that wells up to eternal life.... We at St. Pius X Faith Formation assist parents and godparents in their duty and privilege to foster that faith, recognizing that faith formation is a process that often begins in childhood but continues one's whole life. Relying on the grace of the Holy Spirit, we catechize both in the context of peers and the broader community, seeking to foster a life of personal an liturgical prayer and developing a conscience and social concern so as to be a witness to others.

• Grades 1-8: 8:30 AM Saturdays
• Grades 6-8: 10:00 AM Saturdays
• Grades 1-6: 5:45 PM Wednesdays
• Grades 7-8: 7:00 PM Wednesdays
• Grades 9-10: 11:00 AM Sundays & 7:00 PM Wednesdays

Please contact the office for more info or to sign up. All youth are welcome: both Catholic children and those becoming Catholic (who would attend the Children's Catechumenate / RCIA). Children with special needs are also welcome.

Coordinator of Faith Formation:
• Mrs. Pam Rankin
We are thankful to our dedicated and well-formed catechist-teachers! Please contact the office if you believe you are called to this ministry.

FF Office Phone Number: (716) 688-5417